其他语言版本: English, 中文.




重要的是,GRSA支持多组和纵向实验设计,因为它包含了与多组和纵向实验设计兼容的统计方法。 ReporterScore包还支持自定义的分层和关系数据库,为高级用户提供额外的灵活性。

最新版本的HTML文档可在Github 主页找到.



C. Peng, Q. Chen, S. Tan, X. Shen, C. Jiang, Generalized Reporter Score-based Enrichment Analysis for Omics Data. Briefings in Bioinformatics (2024). https://doi.org/10.1093/bib/bbae116.




也可以从GitHub安装开发版本 ReporterScore

# install.packages("devtools")


1. 输入数据(特征丰度表和元数据)

  • 对于特定物种的转录组、单细胞RNA-seq和相关基因组学数据,可以使用完整的基因丰度表。
  • 对于涉及多种不同物种的宏基因组和宏转录组数据,可以使用KO丰度表,使用Blast、Diamond或KEGG官方映射软件来将reads或contigs对齐到KEGG或EggNOG数据库。
  • 对于代谢组数据,可以使用已注释的化合物丰度表,但需要进行化合物ID的标准化(例如,将化合物ID转换为KEGG数据库中的C编号)。


⚠️ 重要提示:输入的丰度表不应进行预过滤(保留背景信息),因为‘GRSA’是一种无阈值的方法。

  • 行名为特征ID(例如,“K00001”(KEGG K号)如果特征为“ko”;“PEX11A”(基因符号)如果特征为“gene”;“C00024”(KEGG C号)如果特征为“compound”)。
  • 列名为样本。
  • 丰度值可以是读数count或标准化值(例如TPM、FPKM、RPKM或相对丰度),对应适当的统计检验方法。


head(KO_abundance[, 1:6])
#>                WT1         WT2         WT3         WT4         WT5         WT6
#> K03169 0.002653545 0.005096380 0.002033923 0.000722349 0.003468322 0.001483028
#> K07133 0.000308237 0.000280458 0.000596527 0.000859854 0.000308719 0.000878098
#> K03088 0.002147068 0.002030742 0.003797459 0.004161979 0.002076596 0.003091182
#> K03530 0.003788366 0.000239298 0.000445817 0.000557271 0.000222969 0.000529624
#> K06147 0.000785654 0.001213630 0.001312569 0.001662740 0.002387006 0.001725797
#> K05349 0.001816325 0.002813642 0.003274701 0.001089906 0.002371921 0.001795214



  • 行名为样本,列名为分组。
  • 分组变量可以是类别(至少包含两个类别,用于差异丰度分析)。
  • 分组变量也可以是多个时间点(用于纵向分析)。
  • 分组变量也可以是连续变量(用于相关性分析)。
#>     Group Group2
#> WT1    WT     G3
#> WT2    WT     G3
#> WT3    WT     G3
#> WT4    WT     G3
#> WT5    WT     G3
#> WT6    WT     G1

⚠️ 重要提示:元数据的行名和特征丰度表的列名应该匹配或部分匹配!

ReporterScore 将根据元数据的行名和特征丰度表的列名自动进行样本匹配。

all(rownames(metadata) %in% colnames(KO_abundance))

intersect(rownames(metadata), colnames(KO_abundance))>0

2. 通路数据库

ReporterScore 包含内置的KEGG通路、模块、基因、化合物和GO数据库,并支持自定义数据库,使其能够兼容来自多种组学数据的特征丰度表。


  1. 对于KO丰度表,ReporterScore 包含内置的KEGG通路-KO和模块-KO数据库(2023-08版本)。您可以使用 load_KOlist() 查看这些数据库,并使用 update_KO_file() 更新这些数据库(通过KEGG API),保持数据库的最新性非常重要。

  2. 对于化合物丰度表,ReporterScore 包含内置的KEGG通路-化合物和模块-化合物数据库(2023-08版本)。您可以使用 load_CPDlist() 查看这些数据库,并使用 update_KO_file() 更新这些数据库(通过KEGG API)。

  3. 对于KO、基因和化合物丰度表,ReporterScore 包含人类(hsa)和小鼠(mmu)的内置通路-ko、通路-基因和通路-化合物数据库。您可以使用 custom_modulelist_from_org() 查看这些数据库。使用 update_org_pathway() 更新这些数据库,并下载其他生物数据库(通过KEGG API)。

  4. ReporterScore 包含内置的GO-基因数据库。您可以使用 load_GOlist() 查看这些数据库,并使用 update_GOlist() 更新这些数据库(通过KEGG API)。

  5. 您可以通过使用 custom_modulelist() 自定义您自己的通路数据库(感兴趣的基因集)。

# 1. KEGG pathway-KO and module-KO databases
KOlist <- load_KOlist()

# 2. KEGG pathway-compound and module-compound databases
CPDlist <- load_CPDlist()

# 3. human (hsa) pathway-ko/gene/compound databases
hsa_pathway_gene <- custom_modulelist_from_org(
  org = "hsa",
  feature = c("ko", "gene", "compound")[2]

# 4. GO-gene database
GOlist <- load_GOlist()

# 5. 自定义自己的通路数据库

3. 一步GRSA

使用函数 GRSAreporter_score 可以一步得到Reporter Score结果。


  • mode: “mixed” 或 “directed”(仅用于两组差异分析或多组相关分析。详情见 pvalue2zs)。
  • method: 计算p值的统计测试方法。默认为 wilcox.test
    • t.test(参数检验)和 wilcox.test(非参数检验)。用于比较两组样本。
    • anova(参数检验)和 kruskal.test(非参数检验)。执行单因素方差分析或Kruskal-Wallis秩和检验,比较多个组。
    • “pearson”、“kendall” 或 “spearman”(相关性检验),参见 cor
    • “none”: 使用“none”进行“逐步富集”计算p值。您可以使用“DESeq2”、“Edger”、“Limma”、“ALDEX”、“ANCOM”等其他方法自行计算p值。
  • type: 选择内置的通路数据库:
    • ‘pathway’ 或 ‘module’ 默认KEGG数据库适用于微生物组
    • ‘CC’, ‘MF’, ‘BP’, ‘ALL’ 默认GO数据库适用于人类
    • org 列在 https://www.genome.jp/kegg/catalog/org_list.html 中,例如 ‘hsa’(如果您的kodf来自特定的生物体,您应在此处指定type)。
  • modulelist: 自定义数据库。包含 ‘id’,‘K_num’,‘KOs’,‘Description’ 列的数据框。以 KOlist 为例,使用 custom_modulelist 构建自定义数据库。
  • feature: “ko”, “gene”, “compound” 中的一个。


例如,我们想比较两组 ‘WT-OE’,并使用“directed”模式,因为我们只需要知道OE组中哪些通路上调或下调(反过来就是WT组通路下调或上调):


cat("Comparison: ", levels(factor(metadata$Group)), "\n")
#> Comparison:  WT OE

# for microbiome!!!
reporter_res <- GRSA(KO_abundance, "Group", metadata,
  mode = "directed",
  method = "wilcox.test", perm = 999,
  type = "pathway", feature = "ko"
#> ================================Use feature: ko=================================
#> ===============================Checking rownames================================
#> Some of your ko_stat are not KO id, check the format! (e.g. K00001)
#> 52.7% of your kos in the modulelist!
#> 30 samples are matched for next step.
#> ===========================Removing all-zero rows: 0============================
#> ===================================1.KO test====================================
#> =================================Checking group=================================
#> 30 samples are matched for next step.
#> ===========================Removing all-zero rows: 0============================
#> ==============================Calculating each KO===============================
#> ===========================Using method: wilcox.test============================
#> 1000 features done.
#> 2000 features done.
#> 3000 features done.
#> 4000 features done.
#> Compared groups: WT, OE
#> Total KO number: 4535
#> Compare method: wilcox.test
#> Time use: 1.179
#> =========================2.Transfer p.value to Z-score==========================
#> ==========================3.Calculating reporter score==========================
#> ==================================load KOlist===================================
#> ===================KOlist download time: 2023-08-14 16:00:52====================
#> If you want to update KOlist, use `update_KO_file()`
#> ============================Calculating each pathway============================
#> 100 pathways done.
#> 400 pathways done.
#> ID number: 481
#> Time use: 1.689
#> ====================================All done====================================


当您使用特定物种(例如人类)的基因丰度表时,请记得设置 featuretype 参数!或者通过 modulelist 提供数据库:


# 方法 1: 设置 `feature` 和 `type` 参数
reporter_res_gene <- GRSA(genedf, "Group", metadata,
  mode = "directed",
  method = "wilcox.test", perm = 999,
  type = "hsa", feature = "gene"
#> ===============================Use feature: gene================================
#> ===============================Checking rownames================================
#> please make sure your input table rows are gene symbol!
#> 100% of your genes in the modulelist!
#> 30 samples are matched for next step.
#> ===========================Removing all-zero rows: 0============================
#> ===================================1.KO test====================================
#> =================================Checking group=================================
#> 30 samples are matched for next step.
#> ===========================Removing all-zero rows: 0============================
#> ==============================Calculating each KO===============================
#> ===========================Using method: wilcox.test============================
#> 1000 features done.
#> Compared groups: WT, OE
#> Total KO number: 1000
#> Compare method: wilcox.test
#> Time use: 0.224
#> =========================2.Transfer p.value to Z-score==========================
#> ==========================3.Calculating reporter score==========================
#> ================================load hsa pathway================================
#> =================hsa pathway download time: 2023-08-14 23:28:13=================
#> If you want to update hsa pathway, use `update_org_pathway('hsa')`
#> please assgin this custom modulelist to `reporter_score(modulelist=your_modulelist)` to do a custom enrichment.
#> You choose the feature: 'gene', make sure the rownames of your input table are right.
#> ============================Calculating each pathway============================
#> 100 pathways done.
#> 150 pathways done.
#> 200 pathways done.
#> 250 pathways done.
#> 300 pathways done.
#> ID number: 343
#> Time use: 1.558
#> ====================================All done====================================
# 方法 2: 通过`modulelist`给出数据库,结果与方法1相同.
hsa_pathway_gene <- custom_modulelist_from_org(
  org = "hsa",
  feature = "gene"

reporter_res_gene <- GRSA(genedf, "Group", metadata,
  mode = "directed",
  method = "wilcox.test", perm = 999,
  modulelist = hsa_pathway_gene
p1 <- plot_report_bar(reporter_res_gene, rs_threshold = 2)

# 使用`modify_description`删除通路描述的后缀
reporter_res_gene2 <- modify_description(reporter_res_gene, pattern = " - Homo sapiens (human)")
p2 <- plot_report_bar(reporter_res_gene2, rs_threshold = 2)

# 使用“ggplot_translator”翻译通路描述
p3 <- pcutils::ggplot_translator(p2)
#> Please set the font family to make the labels display well.
#>  see `how_to_set_font_for_plot()`.

p1 / p2 / p3


当您使用化合物丰度表时,请记得设置 featuretype 参数!或者通过 modulelist 提供数据库。

reporter_res_gene <- GRSA(chem_df, "Group", metadata,
  mode = "directed",
  method = "wilcox.test", perm = 999,
  type = "hsa", feature = "compound"



元素 描述
kodf 您的输入KO丰度表
ko_stat KO统计结果,包含p值和z分数
reporter_s 每个通路中的报告者分数
modulelist 默认的KOlist或自定义的模块列表数据框
group 您数据中的比较组
metadata 包含样本信息的数据框,包括组信息

重要的结果是 reporter_res$reporter_s,它是一个包含每个通路中报告者分数的数据框:

# 在Rstudio中查看data.frame

# 将结果导出为.csv格式,并使用Excel进行查看:
export_report_table(reporter_res, dir_name = "~/Downloads/")

4. 可视化

在获得Reporter Score结果后,我们可以通过多种方式进行可视化。


  • 绘制显著富集的通路:

您可以设置 rs_threshold 来过滤部分通路, 默认的 rs_threshold 是 1.64, 对应的显著性水平为 0.05

# View(reporter_res$reporter_s)
plot_report_bar(reporter_res, rs_threshold = c(-2.5, 2.5), facet_level = TRUE)
#> ==============================load Pathway_htable===============================
#> ===============Pathway_htable download time: 2024-01-12 00:52:39================
#> If you want to update Pathway_htable, use `update_htable(type='pathway')`


  • 绘制最显著富集的通路(珠包图):
plot_report_circle_packing(reporter_res, rs_threshold = c(-2.5, 2.5))
#> ==============================load Pathway_htable===============================
#> ===============Pathway_htable download time: 2024-01-12 00:52:39================
#> If you want to update Pathway_htable, use `update_htable(type='pathway')`
#> Non-leaf weights ignored
#> Scale for fill is already present.
#> Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.


  • 绘制箱线图:
plot_KOs_in_pathway(reporter_res, map_id = "map00780")

  • 绘制Z分数的分布图:
plot_KOs_distribution(reporter_res, map_id = "map00780")

  • 绘制网络图:
  map_id = c("map00780", "map00785", "map00900"),
  main = "", mark_module = TRUE

  • 在通路中绘制KOs丰度:
plot_KOs_box(reporter_res, map_id = "map00780", only_sig = TRUE)
#> `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'

  • 在通路中绘制KOs丰度(热图):
  map_id = "map00780", only_sig = TRUE,
  heatmap_param = list(cutree_rows = 2)

  • 绘制KEGG通路图:
plot_KEGG_map(reporter_res, map_id = "map00780", color_var = "Z_score")



cat("Comparison: ", levels(factor(metadata$Group2)))
#> Comparison:  G1 G2 G3

reporter_res2 <- GRSA(KO_abundance, "Group2", metadata,
  mode = "directed",
  method = "spearman", perm = 999
#> ================================Use feature: ko=================================
#> ===============================Checking rownames================================
#> Some of your ko_stat are not KO id, check the format! (e.g. K00001)
#> 52.7% of your kos in the modulelist!
#> 30 samples are matched for next step.
#> ===========================Removing all-zero rows: 0============================
#> ===================================1.KO test====================================
#> =================================Checking group=================================
#> 30 samples are matched for next step.
#> ===========================Removing all-zero rows: 0============================
#> ==============================Calculating each KO===============================
#> =============================Using method: spearman=============================
#> Using correlation analysis: spearman, the groups will be transform to numeric, note the factor feature of group.
#> 1000 features done.
#> 2000 features done.
#> 3000 features done.
#> 4000 features done.
#> Compared groups: G1, G2, G3
#> Total KO number: 4535
#> Compare method: spearman
#> Time use: 0.549
#> =========================2.Transfer p.value to Z-score==========================
#> ==========================3.Calculating reporter score==========================
#> ==================================load KOlist===================================
#> ===================KOlist download time: 2023-08-14 16:00:52====================
#> If you want to update KOlist, use `update_KO_file()`
#> ============================Calculating each pathway============================
#> 100 pathways done.
#> 400 pathways done.
#> ID number: 481
#> Time use: 1.643
#> ====================================All done====================================

plot_KOs_in_pathway(reporter_res2, map_id = "map02060") + scale_y_log10()


例如,如果我们期望出现指数增长趋势,可以将组别 “G1”,“G2” 和 “G3” 设置为 1、10 和 100。

我们使用 1、5、1 来寻找表现为下降-上升-下降模式的通路。

reporter_res3 <- GRSA(KO_abundance, "Group2", metadata,
  mode = "directed", perm = 999,
  method = "pearson", pattern = c("G1" = 1, "G2" = 5, "G3" = 1)
plot_report_bar(reporter_res3, rs_threshold = 3, show_ID = TRUE)

plot_KOs_in_pathway(reporter_res3, map_id = "map00860")


rsa_cm_res <- RSA_by_cm(KO_abundance, "Group2", metadata,
  method = "pearson",
  k_num = 3, perm = 999
# show the patterns
plot_c_means(rsa_cm_res, filter_membership = 0.7)

plot_report_bar(rsa_cm_res, rs_threshold = 2.5, y_text_size = 10)



单步函数 reporter_score/GRSA 包含三个部分:

ko_pvalue <- ko.test(KO_abundance, "Group", metadata, method = "wilcox.test")
ko_stat <- pvalue2zs(ko_pvalue, mode = "directed")
reporter_s1 <- get_reporter_score(ko_stat, perm = 499)
  1. ko.test: 此函数用于计算 KO_abundance 的 p-value,可使用各种内置方法,如差异分析 (t.test, wilcox.test, kruskal.test, anova) 或相关分析 (pearson, spearman, kendall)。您也可以使用其他方法计算 KO_abundance 的 p-value,比如 “DESeq2”, “Edger”, “Limma”, “ALDEX”, “ANCOM”,并自行进行 p.adjust,然后跳过 ko.test 步骤,继续下一步……

  2. pvalue2zs: 此函数将 KOs 的 p-value 转换为 Z 分数(选择模式: “mixed” 或 “directed”)。

  3. get_reporter_score: 此函数在特定数据库中计算每个通路的Reporter Score。您可以在此处使用自定义数据库。

以 “Limma” 为例:

# 1-1. 使用 Limma 计算 p-value
ko_pvalue <- ko.test(KO_abundance, "Group", metadata, method = "none")

ko_Limma_p <- pctax::diff_da(KO_abundance, group_df = metadata["Group"], method = "limma")

# 1-2. 替换 ko_pvalue 中的 p-value,记得匹配 KO_ids
ko_pvalue$`p.value` <- ko_Limma_p[match(ko_pvalue$KO_id, ko_Limma_p$tax), "pvalue"]

# 2. 使用 `pvalue2zs` 获取 Z 分数
ko_stat <- pvalue2zs(ko_pvalue, mode = "directed")

# 3. 使用 `get_reporter_score` 获取Reporter Score
reporter_s1 <- get_reporter_score(ko_stat, perm = 499)

# 4. 组合结果
reporter_res1 <- combine_rs_res(KO_abundance, "Group", metadata, ko_stat, reporter_s1)

# 然后可以使用 reporter_res1 进行可视化


Category Method Tools Notes
ORA Hypergeometric test / Fisher’s exact test DAVID (website) , clusterProfiler (R package) The most common methods used in enrichment analysis. Selecting a list of genes is required.
FCS Gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) GSEA (website) GSEA creatively uses gene ranking, rather than selecting a list of genes, to identify statistically significant and concordant differences across gene sets.
FCS Generalized reporter score-based analysis (GRSA/RSA) ReporterScore (R package developed in this study) Find significant metabolites (first report), pathways, and taxonomy based on the p-values for multi-omics data.
FCS Significance Analysis of Function and Expression (SAFE) safe (R package) SAFE assesses the significance of gene categories by calculating both local and global statistics from gene expression data.
FCS Gene Set Analysis (GSA) GSA (R Package) GSA was proposed as an improvement of GSEA, using the “maxmean” statistic instead of the weighted sign KS statistic.
FCS Pathway Analysis with Down-weighting of Overlapping Genes (PADOG) PADOG (R package) PADOGA assumes that genes associated with fewer pathways have more significant effects than genes associated with more pathways.
FCS Gene Set Variation Analysis (GSVA) GSVA (R package) A nonparametric, unsupervised method that transforms gene expression data into gene set scores for downstream differential pathway activity analysis.
PT Topology-based pathway enrichment analysis (TPEA) TPEA (R package) Integrate topological properties and global upstream/downstream positions of genes in pathways.


ReporterScore 还提供其他的富集方法,如 KO_fisher(fisher.test)、KO_enrich(fisher.test,来自 clusterProfiler)、KO_gsea(GSEA,来自 clusterProfiler)、KO_gsa(GSA,来自 GSA)、KO_safe(SAFE,来自 safe)、KO_padog(PADOG,来自 PADOG)、KO_gsva(GSVA,来自 GSVA)。

输入数据来自 reporter_score,同时支持自定义数据库,因此您可以轻松比较各种富集方法的结果,并进行全面的分析:

# View(reporter_res2$reporter_s)
# reporter_score
filter(reporter_res$reporter_s, abs(ReporterScore) > 1.64, p.adjust < 0.05) %>% pull(ID) -> RS
# fisher
fisher_res <- KO_fisher(reporter_res)
filter(fisher_res, p.adjust < 0.05) %>% pull(ID) -> Fisher
# enricher
enrich_res <- KO_enrich(reporter_res)
filter(enrich_res, p.adjust < 0.05) %>% pull(ID) -> clusterProfiler
gsea_res <- KO_gsea(reporter_res, weight = "Z_score")
#> Warning in preparePathwaysAndStats(pathways, stats, minSize, maxSize, gseaParam, : There are ties in the preranked stats (57.15% of the list).
#> The order of those tied genes will be arbitrary, which may produce unexpected results.
#> Warning in fgseaMultilevel(pathways = pathways, stats = stats, minSize =
#> minSize, : For some pathways, in reality P-values are less than 1e-10. You can
#> set the `eps` argument to zero for better estimation.
filter(data.frame(gsea_res), p.adjust < 0.05) %>% pull(ID) -> GSEA

venn_res <- list(GRSA = RS, Fisher = Fisher, CP = clusterProfiler, GSEA = GSEA)
venn(venn_res, "network")



KEGG BRITE 是一个层次分类系统的集合,捕捉了各种生物对象的功能层次结构,特别是那些作为 KEGG 对象表示的对象。

我们收集了 k00001 KEGG Orthology (KO) 表,因此您可以总结每个层级的丰度。使用 load_KO_htable 获取 KO_htable,并使用 update_KO_htable 进行更新。使用 up_level_KO 可以将 KOs 升级到特定的层级,例如 “pathway”、”module”、”level1”、”level2”、”level3”、“module1”、“module2”、“module3”。

KO_htable <- load_KO_htable()
#> =================================load KO_htable=================================
#> ==================KO_htable download time: 2024-01-12 00:49:03==================
#> If you want to update KO_htable, use `update_htable(type='ko')`
#>   level1_name             level2_name level3_id                  level3_name
#> 1  Metabolism Carbohydrate metabolism  map00010 Glycolysis / Gluconeogenesis
#> 2  Metabolism Carbohydrate metabolism  map00010 Glycolysis / Gluconeogenesis
#> 3  Metabolism Carbohydrate metabolism  map00010 Glycolysis / Gluconeogenesis
#> 4  Metabolism Carbohydrate metabolism  map00010 Glycolysis / Gluconeogenesis
#> 5  Metabolism Carbohydrate metabolism  map00010 Glycolysis / Gluconeogenesis
#> 6  Metabolism Carbohydrate metabolism  map00010 Glycolysis / Gluconeogenesis
#>    KO_id                                                    KO_name
#> 1 K00844                                HK; hexokinase [EC:]
#> 2 K12407                              GCK; glucokinase [EC:]
#> 3 K00845                              glk; glucokinase [EC:]
#> 4 K25026                              glk; glucokinase [EC:]
#> 5 K01810       GPI, pgi; glucose-6-phosphate isomerase [EC:]
#> 6 K06859 pgi1; glucose-6-phosphate isomerase, archaeal [EC:]
plot_htable(type = "ko")
#> =================================load KO_htable=================================
#> ==================KO_htable download time: 2024-01-12 00:49:03==================
#> If you want to update KO_htable, use `update_htable(type='ko')`
#> Warning: Vectorized input to `element_text()` is not officially supported.
#> ℹ Results may be unexpected or may change in future versions of ggplot2.

KO_level1 <- up_level_KO(KO_abundance, level = "level1", show_name = TRUE)
#> =================================load KO_htable=================================
#> ==================KO_htable download time: 2024-01-12 00:49:03==================
#> If you want to update KO_htable, use `update_htable(type='ko')`
pcutils::stackplot(KO_level1[-which(rownames(KO_level1) == "Unknown"), ]) +
  ggsci::scale_fill_d3() +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1, vjust = 0.5))


为了方便,我还整合了CARD数据库的描述信息 https://card.mcmaster.ca/download/0/broadstreet-v3.2.8.tar.bz2.

CARDinfo <- load_CARDinfo()
#> =================================load CARDinfo==================================
#> ==================CARDinfo download time: 2024-01-12 01:12:11===================
#> If you want to update CARDinfo, use `update_GOlist()`
#>         ARO Accession CVTERM ID Model Sequence ID Model ID
#> 3005099   ARO:3005099     43314              6143     3831
#> 3002523   ARO:3002523     38923              8144     1781
#> 3002524   ARO:3002524     38924                85      746
#> 3002525   ARO:3002525     38925              4719     1246
#> 3002526   ARO:3002526     38926               228     1415
#> 3002527   ARO:3002527     38927              5510     2832
#>                                                     Model Name
#> 3005099 23S rRNA (adenine(2058)-N(6))-methyltransferase Erm(A)
#> 3002523                                             AAC(2')-Ia
#> 3002524                                             AAC(2')-Ib
#> 3002525                                             AAC(2')-Ic
#> 3002526                                             AAC(2')-Id
#> 3002527                                             AAC(2')-Ie
#>                                                       ARO Name
#> 3005099 23S rRNA (adenine(2058)-N(6))-methyltransferase Erm(A)
#> 3002523                                             AAC(2')-Ia
#> 3002524                                             AAC(2')-Ib
#> 3002525                                             AAC(2')-Ic
#> 3002526                                             AAC(2')-Id
#> 3002527                                             AAC(2')-Ie
#>         Protein Accession DNA Accession                         AMR Gene Family
#> 3005099        AAB60941.1    AF002716.1 Erm 23S ribosomal RNA methyltransferase
#> 3002523        AAA03550.1      L06156.2                                 AAC(2')
#> 3002524        AAC44793.1      U41471.1                                 AAC(2')
#> 3002525        CCP42991.1    AL123456.3                                 AAC(2')
#> 3002526        AAB41701.1      U72743.1                                 AAC(2')
#> 3002527        CAC32082.1    AL583926.1                                 AAC(2')
#>                                                                   Drug Class
#> 3005099 lincosamide antibiotic;macrolide antibiotic;streptogramin antibiotic
#> 3002523                                            aminoglycoside antibiotic
#> 3002524                                            aminoglycoside antibiotic
#> 3002525                                            aminoglycoside antibiotic
#> 3002526                                            aminoglycoside antibiotic
#> 3002527                                            aminoglycoside antibiotic
#>                 Resistance Mechanism CARD Short Name
#> 3005099 antibiotic target alteration  Spyo_ErmA_MLSb
#> 3002523      antibiotic inactivation      AAC(2')-Ia
#> 3002524      antibiotic inactivation      AAC(2')-Ib
#> 3002525      antibiotic inactivation      AAC(2')-Ic
#> 3002526      antibiotic inactivation      AAC(2')-Id
#> 3002527      antibiotic inactivation      AAC(2')-Ie


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  2. L. Liu, R. Zhu, D. Wu, Misuse of reporter score in microbial enrichment analysis. iMeta. 2, e95 (2023).

  3. https://github.com/wangpeng407/ReporterScore