Plot the reporter_res as circle_packing
rs_threshold = 1.64,
mode = 2,
facet_anno = NULL,
show_ID = FALSE,
Pathway_description = TRUE,
str_width = 10,
show_level_name = "all",
show_tip_label = TRUE
result of `get_reporter_score`
plot threshold vector, default:1.64
1~2 plot style.
annotation table for facet, more two columns, last is pathway name, last second is pathway id.
show pathway id
show KO description rather than KO id.
str_width to wrap
show the level name?
show the tip label?
# \donttest{
if (requireNamespace("igraph") && requireNamespace("ggraph")) {
plot_report_circle_packing(reporter_score_res, rs_threshold = c(2, -2), str_width = 40)
#> Loading required namespace: igraph
# }