Plot features heatmap
group = NULL,
metadata = NULL,
map_id = "map00780",
select_ko = NULL,
only_sig = FALSE,
columns = NULL,
modulelist = NULL,
KO_description = FALSE,
str_width = 50,
heatmap_param = list()
KO_abundance table, rowname is ko id (e.g. K00001),colnames is samples. or result of `get_reporter_score`
The compare group (two category) in your data, one column name of metadata when metadata exist or a vector whose length equal to columns number of kodf.
the pathway or module id
select which ko
only show the significant KOs
change columns
NULL or customized modulelist dataframe, must contain "id","K_num","KOs","Description" columns. Take the `KOlist` as example, use custom_modulelist
show KO description rather than KO id.
str_width to wrap
parameters pass to pheatmap
# \donttest{
if (requireNamespace("pheatmap")) {
plot_features_heatmap(reporter_score_res, map_id = "map00780")
#> Loading required namespace: pheatmap
# }