pctax provides a comprehensive suite of tools for analyzing omics data.

The HTML documentation of the latest version is available at Github page.

Please go to https://bookdown.org/Asa12138/pctax_book/ for the full vignette.


The stable version is available on CRAN:


Or you can install the development version of pctax from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

🚀 NEWS 🚀

Recently, I added a function to draw two trees and their relationships:

data(otutab, package = "pcutils")
df2tree(taxonomy[1:50, ]) -> tax_tree
df2tree(taxonomy[51:100, ]) -> tax_tree2
link <- data.frame(from = sample(tax_tree$tip.label, 20), to = sample(tax_tree2$tip.label, 20))
plot_two_tree(tax_tree, tax_tree2, link,
  tree1_tip = T, tree2_tip = T,
  tip1_param = list(size = 2), tip2_param = list(size = 2)
#> Registered S3 methods overwritten by 'treeio':
#>   method              from    
#>   MRCA.phylo          tidytree
#>   MRCA.treedata       tidytree
#>   Nnode.treedata      tidytree
#>   Ntip.treedata       tidytree
#>   ancestor.phylo      tidytree
#>   ancestor.treedata   tidytree
#>   child.phylo         tidytree
#>   child.treedata      tidytree
#>   full_join.phylo     tidytree
#>   full_join.treedata  tidytree
#>   groupClade.phylo    tidytree
#>   groupClade.treedata tidytree
#>   groupOTU.phylo      tidytree
#>   groupOTU.treedata   tidytree
#>   is.rooted.treedata  tidytree
#>   nodeid.phylo        tidytree
#>   nodeid.treedata     tidytree
#>   nodelab.phylo       tidytree
#>   nodelab.treedata    tidytree
#>   offspring.phylo     tidytree
#>   offspring.treedata  tidytree
#>   parent.phylo        tidytree
#>   parent.treedata     tidytree
#>   root.treedata       tidytree
#>   rootnode.phylo      tidytree
#>   sibling.phylo       tidytree
#> ! # Invaild edge matrix for <phylo>. A <tbl_df> is returned.
#> ! # Invaild edge matrix for <phylo>. A <tbl_df> is returned.
#> ! # Invaild edge matrix for <phylo>. A <tbl_df> is returned.
#> ! # Invaild edge matrix for <phylo>. A <tbl_df> is returned.
Two trees and their relationships

Two trees and their relationships

Recently I added a function to plot element cycling because element cycling genes are important in the microbiome (especially the environmental microbiome). Supports simple cycle diagram drawing of C, N, P, S, Fe (manual arrangement, there must be some missing parts, will be continuously added in the future):

plot_element_cycle(cycle = "Nitrogen cycle")
#> recommend ggsave(width = 12,height = 10)
Nitrogen cycle

Nitrogen cycle


For the full vignette, please visit pctax: Analyzing Omics Data with R.

Some Functionalities of pctax:


Please cite:

Chen Peng, Chao Jiang (2023). pctax: Professional Comprehensive Microbiome Data Analysis Pipeline. R package, https://github.com/Asa12138/pctax.