R packages 📦

  1. pcutils

    • It contains many useful functions for statistics and visualization.

    • See the Github page for the HTML documentation.

  2. MetaNet

    • It is a comprehensive network analysis package, especially in various biological omics.

    • See the MetaNet Tutorial

  3. pctax

    • It contains basic pipelines for omics analysis, especially for microbiome analysis.

    • See the pctax Tutorial

  4. ReporterScore

    • Generalized reporter score-based enrichment analysis for omics data.

    • See the Github page for the HTML documentation.

  5. plot4fun

    • plot4fun provides many interesting functions for plotting.

    • See the Github page for the HTML documentation.

Web servers 🕸

  1. iPhylo

    • It is a comprehensive, automated, and interactive platform for biological and chemical taxonomic analysis, developed in cooperation with Li Yueer.

    • See the iPhylo Tutorial for more details.