Plot a boxplot
group = NULL,
metadata = NULL,
mode = 1,
group_order = NULL,
facet_order = NULL,
paired = FALSE,
paired_line_param = list(),
alpha = FALSE,
method = "wilcox",
alpha_param = list(),
point_param = NULL,
p_value1 = FALSE,
p_value2 = FALSE,
only_sig = TRUE,
stat_compare_means_param = NULL,
trend_line = FALSE,
trend_line_param = list()
your dataframe
which colname choose for group or a vector
the dataframe contains the group
1~9, plot style, try yourself
the order of x group
the order of the facet
if paired is TRUE, points in different groups will be connected by lines. So the row names order is important.
parameters parse to geom_line
whether plot a group alphabeta by test of method
test method:wilcox, tukeyHSD, LSD, (default: wilcox), see multitest
parameters parse to geom_text
parameters parse to geom_point
multi-test of all group
two-test of each pair
only_sig for p_value2
parameters parse to stat_compare_means
add a trend line
parameters parse to geom_smooth
a ggplot
a <- data.frame(a = 1:18, b = runif(18, 0, 5))
group_box(a, group = rep(c("a", "b", "c"), each = 6))