Plot a doughnut chart
reorder = TRUE,
mode = "1",
topN = 5,
name = TRUE,
percentage = TRUE,
bar_params = NULL,
text_params = NULL,
text_params2 = NULL
two columns: first is type, second is number
reorder by number?
plot style, 1~3
plot how many top items
label the name
label the percentage
parameters parse to geom_rect
, for mode=1,3 or geom_col
for mode=2.
parameters parse to geom_text
parameters parse to geom_text
, for name=TRUE & mode=1,3
a ggplot
a <- data.frame(type = letters[1:6], num = c(1, 3, 3, 4, 5, 10))
gghuan(a) + scale_fill_pc()
bar_params = list(col = "black"),
text_params = list(col = "#b15928", size = 3),
text_params2 = list(col = "#006d2c", size = 5)
) + scale_fill_pc()
gghuan(a, mode = 2) + scale_fill_pc()
gghuan(a, mode = 3) + scale_fill_pc()